
My name is Jeremy. I am a 33 year old stay at home dad. I have been playing poker off and on for about 10 years now. I dabble in mostly micro stakes and low fee tournaments. I first came across PokerSource in 2009. At first, I was a bit suspicious of such a site that said they would give me free money just for signing up through their site. However, since they were not requesting money up front , I decided that there was no risk attached to giving it a try. At that point, I signed up for the “no deposit” promotion for Absolute Poker. Much to my surprise, the money was in my account three days sooner than the site had advertised.
With the initial $50.00 from PokerSource, I was able to build my bankroll to over $ 5k in 6 months. Unfortunately, I ended up losing the initial $5k due to poor bankroll management. I was very disappointed with this loss. I thought it would be best to seek professional advice on strategy and bankroll management. Thankfully, I recalled that I could use my earned points to purchase books and other published resources through the PokerSource Points Store. I had earned enough points to secure my copy of The Theory of Poker by David Sklansky. As usual with PokerSource, the process went very smoothly. I had the publication in my hand within a week of requesting it. I spent a lot of time studying the book and I still refer to the information today. The strategies provided have allowed me to understand poker at a deeper level.
One of the excellent things about PokerSource is that you can complete an offer every 30 days. I began the process of getting a “no deposit” free money offer from UltimateBet Poker. I told myself it would be different this time because of my new found knowledge. Subsequently, I started playing micro stakes again. For close to a year, I slowly improved my game and my bankroll. Then, the day I never will forget happened, Black Friday. Needless to say it hit me hard considering the fact that I am an US citizen. All that hard work was flushed down the drain. I decided then that online poker was not for me after all so, I gave up. I deleted all of the poker software off of my computer, vowing to never return.
Moving forward in time to one month ago, I was going through my junk email folder when I came across a PokerSource email. I thought to myself, surely they can't still be in business. Much to my surprise they were!! I was at a place in my life that I wanted to give poker another try. So I started researching the best sites for US players. Sadly, I found out that the climate of the poker world had experienced many changes. Gone were the days of logging into a poker site on a Sunday and seeing 200,000 players currently online. I started to question whether or not I should even try to get back in the game. Luckily, I happened to run into an old friend and upon talking with him, I learned about CarbonPoker. He informed me of their optimal tournament schedule plus a decent amount of fish in the cash games.
When I got home that night, I logged into PokerSource to see if CarbonPoker listed in any promotions currently going on. It was! Game on. Again I followed the easy to understand directions for the free gift promotion. I went ahead and deposited $100 on CarbonPoker. It took about a week to get back into the groove of things. At one point, I was down to my last $10. However, through my knowledge of strategy, I was able to increase my bankroll to $250. This allowed me to cash out $100 and use the remaining money to continue on with my games. It was the same rollercoaster ride that I loved before Black Friday. It took about 3 weeks to earn the required 1200 VIP points to receive the points, but I made it. I logged onto PokerSource and submitted that I had completed the requirements, and waited patiently for two weeks.
In that time variance struck and I was left with only a couple bucks in my account. I logged into my PokerSource account two days ago to find not only the original 10,000 points but an additional 2500 points!!! CarbonPoker happened to be the Room of the Month. I was stoked! Not only had PokerSource managed to ride the Black Friday wave, but they also had once again stuck to their promise. I went into the points store and purchased three $25 CarbonPoker gift cards. That transaction occurred at 7:41 am and by 4:00 pm the combined gift card amount of $75 was already in my account!
I felt as though I needed to give back to PokerSource for providing such a great service, hence the posting of this testimonial. I cannot say enough positive things about PokerSource and the services they provide. Their customer service is second to none. I am looking forward to earning even more points therefore improving my game. If you still have doubts about the legitimacy of PokerSource all you have to ask yourself is, “What is the risk”? Point blank; there is none.
Thank you PokerSource for helping me build up my bankroll again!
New Jersey, USA
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